Compliance & protocols
All staff of Gunning District Community and Health Service Incorporated, trading as Gunning Community Care, apply the code of professional ethics to the workplace which is consistent with the organisation’s mission, values and objectives and with the best practice in the industry.
All copies of our policies and procedures, including complaints procedures, are available on request at any time from Gunning Community Care reception.
Dealing with people
When dealing with one another, management, committee members, clients and service users, external stakeholders and other agency representatives, staff members will be respectful and courteous. Staff members will give accurate information and prompt attention and observe fairness and equity in their dealings with others.
Working with clients
When interacting or working with people using the services of Gunning District Community and Health Service Incorporated, staff will:
always treat clients with respect, and be mindful of their rights to privacy and confidentiality;
always show respect for people’s cultural or religious sensitivities or requirements, and ensure the responsiveness of the service to their particular needs and circumstances;
ensure that service users are provided with, and understand, all information relevant to their situation, options available to them and conditions of use for the service;
ensure they have access to independent advocacy or support if they require in making any decisions;
be aware of personal boundaries and never enter into a sexual relationship with a service user at the time of their service use and for a period of 24 months after exiting service;
not accept money or anything other than token gifts such as flowers or chocolates.
Standards in the workplace
All staff members are required to:
attend work in the times agreed with their supervisor and notify their supervisor and other stakeholders of their absences, report and account for all leave taken, record attendance and obtain approval before changing their work times;
comply with the requirements of their duty statements and agreed work plans, paying appropriate attention to quality and detail in their work;
provide accurate and honest information to their supervisor about work completed and challenges experienced in completing work;
follow instructions that are reasonable and lawful and within their capability and training;
report any suspected corrupt or fraudulent practices of others. Any staff member making a report will be protected from reprisal in line with the Community Services (Complaints, Appeals & Monitoring) 1993 (NSW);
observe the requirements for conditions of employment and safety as described in Gunning District Community and Health Service Incorporated Workplace Health and Safety Policy;
perform their duties unaffected by alcohol or the use of drugs other than those prescribed for them by a medical practitioner;
maintain a harmonious, co-operative and productive workplace, respectful of diversity; and
ensure they do not use their position to exert inappropriate influence over others.
Work participation
Staff members will:
share a commitment to the values and objectives of Gunning District Community and Health Service Incorporated work within priorities identified by the management committee and senior staff;
actively participate in planning and consultative processes where appropriate and contribute to the development of the organisation;
use the specified communication channels for reporting and direction; and
provide and receive constructive feedback and criticism.
Staff members will:
work together towards agreed work objectives and goals, and communicate regularly with one another about progress.
work together to look for ways to improve work methods and to solve workplace and service related problems
give support and guidance to each other, ensure appropriate training and development and recognise each other’s results and achievements
Use of resources
Staff members will:
ensure they have the necessary delegation to authorise expenditure or make use of organisational resources;
only use organisational materials, facilities, funds, people and equipment for authorised purposes and take responsible steps to prevent misuse by others; and
conserve and efficiently use resources through recycling, energy saving and waste minimisation.
Staff members will:
observe the organisation’s policies regarding privacy and confidentiality when disclosing sensitive or confidential information, and provide access to information when required by law or to assist other staff in their duties.
not misuse information obtained at work either for financial reward or gain, or for taking advantage of another person
observe the organisation’s policies regarding information management and follow specified practices in the collection, storage and disposal of files and other records.