Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
I don't live in Gunning, can I still use this service?
Yes. Gunning Community Care services a large area across the Southern Tablelands and Canberra Country Region from Marulan to Boorowa, including Yass, Murrumbateman, Binalong, Grabben Gullen, Gundaroo and Collector. Not just Gunning!
I can't drive, how can I access these services?
Gunning Community Care can provide home visits and has a team of community care workers and community drivers to help residents who are unable to drive themselves to appointments either in Gunning, or specialist appointments in bigger centres. We also have SUV vehicles to help access residents in remote locations or on farms. Travel costs do apply.
Can Gunning Community Care help me organise home care for a family member?
Gunning Community Care is committed to working with aged residents and their families to ensure they are able to stay in their homes and our community for as long as practically possible. If you are worried about an elderly family member in their own home or think its time they had more help at home you can speak to our Client Support Officer Monique Hillier or General Manager Veronica Leon about services and assistance which may be available, and help arrange steps to meet with the client and concerned relatives to discuss their needs. Visit our aged care page for more information.
Can I see the Gunning doctor if I don't live in Gunning?
What does it cost to see the doctor and is bulk billing available?
The Gunning Community Care GP is able to bulk bill children under 16, concession card holders and patients over 65 years. For all other patients, fees apply.
Can I continue to have my services managed by Gunning Community Care permanently?
Yes. Aged and disabled clients who have had their services provided by Gunning Community Care under a brokerage arrangement can apply to our service to manage your care permanently. Speak to Monique Hillier on 4845 1166 for further details.
Are there age restrictions on your services?
No, but some assistance packages do have age restrictions. If you need help please talk to our Client Support Officer Monique Hillier on 4845 1166 ext 5.
Can I choose my service times?
Yes, we are a flexible and client-focused organisation and can arrange care times to suit you.
Do I need to pay anything if I cancel an appointment?
If you are unable to keep or miss an appointment, Gunning Community Care reserves the right to charge $20 for "no shows" to an appointment.
How do I qualify for the frozen meal service?
Frozen meals are available for purchase from Gunning Community Care at a small charge of $8.00 for the elderly, disabled or unwell. Meal orders need to be placed in advance by calling Maree O'Brien on 4845 1166 ext 1.
Do I need to pay to borrow equipment?
Borrowing equipment is for a short or pre-determined period is free. This is a great service to "try before you buy". To see what we have available please visit or call the courthouse building and speak to Medical Reception on 4845 1166 ext 2.
How can I join social groups run by Gunning Community Care?
Joining the social groups is as easy as turning up to their next meeting, however if you are unsure or need help to get there Gunning Community Care can assist, call Group Coordinator Janelle Morris for more information on 4845 1166 ext 1 or click here for more information.
I have been allocated a Home Care Package - who do i speak to?
If you have been allocated a Home Care Package and would like Gunning Community Care to provide you the services, please contact Client Support Officer Monique Hillier on 4845 1166 ext 5.